Sunday 24 April 2011

Feedback on My coursework

1. Who do you think your target audience is, and why?
Joe Treacy: - Acoustic Players, rock (indie teens)
Kerian Rose: - 18 to 25, punk rockish, looks like the real thing, use of imagery & colours
Jamie Dalgarno: Comic looking, 16 to 18, Gig magazine, boys
Amy Blaker: 20-30, someone into music, rocky, male
Katy Short: Male, Between 18 & 25,
Tom Massey: 16 to 24 or 26,
Steph snyman: Male, 16-18, Alternative,
Freya Martyniak: guys teenage boys, into indie and rock music.

Joe Treacy: No barcode, Contents on contents page split up, DPS imagery hard to see.
Kerian Rose: Yes, colours scheme & use of imagery
Jamie Dalgarno: Looks like a DPS, looks like a contents page
Amy Blaker: DPS deffinatly looks like it should, front cover & contents are good,
Katy Short: looks like a front cover with the masthead and the stories around the picture
Tom Massey: front cover looks like front cover and same for contents. SICK DPS
Steph Snyman: Masthead is good, Different colours work, contents is good with colour and fornt but needs more
Freya Martyniak: Front cover good, Contents good, DPS lot of information, actually looks like part of a mag

Joe Treacy: It seems to come across as the language used for the average type of reader.
Kerian Rose: Few spelling Mistakes.
Jamie Dalgarno: Language is appropiate to 16 to 18.
Amy Blaker: Suits target audience, language good on front cover, not formal but not casual.
Katy Short: language relates to the target audience
Tom Massey: Appopriate language
Steph Snyman: language is good
Freya Martyniak: Language is looking at the older, not using Simple English.

Joe Treacy: Think yellow & Red abit random on front cover, yellow red and blue clash.
Kerian Rose: Yes, Its Bright, Font is quite urban.
Jamie Dalgarno: All over the place but not boring.
Amy Blaker: Yes it does suit the target audience, however their are many colours.
Katy Short: colour compoment eachother with blue red and black being boy colours.
Tom Massey: colour scheme doesnt relfelct target audience. blue is abit random.
Steph: colours are good, roles of band members are good.
Freya Martyniak: use of colour is good.

Joe treacy:
Strengths - appropiate language
Weakness - maybe colours as to genre.

Kerian Rose:
Strengths - Alot of the magazine, mainly DPS
Weakness - Need to correct spelling errors.

Jamie Dalgarno:
Strengths - appropriate to the audience of the magazine, looks like it would suit the reader
Weakness - few errors and maybe slight more order towards it being all over the place

Amy Blaker:
Strengths - DPS and its layout and language
Weakness - All over the place and colours are too widley ranged

Katy Short:
Strengths - strengths dps is good, front cover looks like a front cover, right amount of text and detail
Weakness- need more infomatioon on the contents page such as the blurb,

Tom Massey:
Strengths - Most of it is Strong. Editting is strong and text is layed out is professional
Weakness - colour scheme

Steph Synman:
Strengths -
Weakeness: Info at side of DPS could be smaller:
Freya Martyniak:
Strenghhs - really like the double page spread and pictures are good aswell.
weaknesses - not enough infomation on the contents.
5.Looking at all three, identify one strength and one weakness?
4.Does the use of colours and use of font for their target audience?
3.Isit the actual mode of adress use of language?
2. Does it actually look like a front cover, contents page, DPS?

Monday 28 March 2011

evaulation presentation idea

For my evaluation powerpoint idea i have been asked to come up with a presentation to try show my ideas of my magazine and how it has developed over the months from reasearch and ideas to the making of it. i have thought of some ideas of how i would do it and i believe that using prezi would be a good way to show my presentation. however i may have other ideas instead which im not sure of yet but could use instead of prezi

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Contents Page

This is my contents page which i have made for my music magazine, i have used the original colour scheme towards the front cover, the numbers given for each of the pages inside the magazine have been made with a 60's style of writting in black and white. the picture in my contents page i have edited all to be black white contrast which has a good effect of being a background and because i have made each picture slightly transparent they all blend into each other which looks almost to be one picture. the main subjects in this magazine have been indicated at the bottom of the page over a yellow background. this can represent important message to the consumers. the writting used for this is red. This colour of text dominates the colour of white al well being on a yellow background creates eye catching colours which would be the forst thing to see.

Monday 7 March 2011

Stages of my magazine

This is my stages of my front cover of my media coursework, I have used one picture for my front cover which has been shown as a band i have made called 'AFTER THER BLAST'. Making a front cover i have used lots of texts such as mast head, strapline, and other titles to articles inside.